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The conformity certificate of Russia Standart  ROSS. RU.АЯ28, В10987

Citrullus Oleum


Exhibit of First International Congresses: "Pumpkin seed oil ", Austria, - 1999

Pressed by Russian company " Pharmaceutical oils - PHARMAOL " specially for School of Health "Hope" headed by N.A.Semenovа (corresponding member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences)   at special vitamin-keeping technology of "cold" pressing of   treatment-and-prophylactic oils (the patent for the invention # 2018514) from water-melons seeds. Produced since February 1998г.


The water-melon stands to the first in family Pumpkin. Therefore oil of its seeds, having all properties, developed before Pumpkin Oil has still additional only to it inherent qualities, namely: changing physical and chemical structure urine, eliminates the reason of formation of stones, preventing development of irreversible changes in kidneys; dissolves and washes away slime; salutarily influences removal of inflammatory processes in urogenital system and normalization of acid-base balance; promotes transition of a uric acid from fabrics in blood and strengthens removing its by  kidneys, prevents formation of new stones. As well as in Pumpkin Oil, the optimum contents of zinc and selenium normalizes activity prostate gland, interfering with an inflammation prostaty (prostatitis), influences a normal sexual condition of an organism, improving spermatogenez; promotes fast healing of grazes, wounds, burns, acceleration of growth and restoration of a healthy kind of hair, nails, muscles; In a combination to high concentration oleinovoj acids stimulates manufacture prostoglandinov, thus improving a metabolism and reducing of acne agminata; reduces probability of diseases by a cancer and " reduces practically to zero risk of  prostatic adenoma  (BHJ)  (AiF-health, № 16, April 1998) ".


( the Basic: see recommendations on Pumpkin Oil by "Pharmaol")

* At chronic defeat of kidneys and stones in pelvis - on 1-2 tsp. 3-4 times per day 0,5-1 hour prior to meal.  Cure: 300-500 ml. duration 2-4 months

* Acne agminata - to grease the cleared skin 2 times per day. Inside on 0,5 tsp. 4-6 once a day. The common cure: 250-800 ml. Duration of 3-6 months.

* Baldness- to rub in a skin. Once a week nutritious mask - shampoo on the basis of oil. Inside on 1-2 tsp. per day. A cure: 250-800 ml. Duration of 5-8 months.

* Preventive from hepatites,  prostatitis, tumours (including adenomas), cancer, early baldness, diseases of the digestive tract and kidneys, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. A cure: 500 ml.  One tsp. every day during one year.

* It is applied alongside with Pumpkin oil for vermifuge and fungicide therapy and clearing kidneys in a program healthy cure on N.Semenovoj (up to 500 ml.):see. the book " Be Cleared from Parasites! And Continue to Live Without Them!", (Only in Russian) page 391-396, Moscow -St.-Petersburg,  " Dilja Pablishing ", 2001, page 413

By-effects and contra-indications

As food - oil is compatible to all kinds of therapy. To not wash down with cold water! Contra-indications has no: except for the rare cases of an allergy on vegetable oils.

The form of release and condition of storage

Bottles: 50 ml. Sedimentation is allowable. To store at dark place from 0 C up to 25 С in the closed condition no more than 2 th years.  It is released without the recipe. 

The bona fide high-vitamin diet Russian Oils (Water-melon, Melon or Pumpkin seed OILS), is squeezed on the newest vitamin-keeping technology protected by the Russian patent for the invention № 2018514

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The manufacturer: association " Pharmaceutical Oils - PHARMAOL "

 354037, Sochi - Hosta, building.7 "Matsesta", office.20 or 

 454091 Chelyabinsk, P.O.Box15700

e-mail: Sochi;  Chelyabinsk:      

Phone/ Fax:  in Sochi -          7(8622) 452-091 ;  650-210

                   in Chelyabinsk - 7(3512) 372-378 ;  600-036;

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