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Oil's Treatment 

Folkways of application

It is from Russian sorcerers and folk Bulgarian Healer heritages.
Treatment by Oil pumpkin is applied to prophylaxis of development of tumoral processes, urine and …

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  illnesses, a phlebectasia of the bottom extremities and a thrombophlebitis, chronic diseases of a liver, kidneys, a cholic bubble, prostatic Ferri lactas, a stomach, an intestine, for treatment of a hepatitis, a cirrhosis of a liver and toxic defeats of a liver, at constipations, an inflammation of a colon, an ischuria, a dyskinesia желчевыводящих ways and скапливании bile, a dentagra, female diseases. The excellent cosmetic effect of these oils is caused by a unique natural combination of vitamins and trace substances, in particular such, as a selenium, Zincum and vitamin To.

The liver is biggest digestive Ferri lactas (mass about 1,5 kg.) the Liver participates in metabolic processes, accumulation of various substances, development(manufacture) of the bile promoting digestion of Adepses. All blood which is flowing off from an intestine, passes through a liver where about 95 % of the toxicants formed during digestion are decontaminated. The liver takes part in synthesis of fibers of a blood, some factors of coagulation of a blood. She(it) accumulates nutrients, vitamins. A hepatitis - infectious disease at which the liver is amazed mainly. It is transferred by water, products, and also household goods, to hit in an organism of a virus from a blood of the patient. Infection with sexual way is possible. The cirrhosis of a liver - chronic progressing defeat of a liver, is characterized by damage and destruction of hepatic cells with their gradual replacement by an expanding connecting tissue.
The cholic bubble accumulates bile, carries out its(her) movement on cholic channels. Capacity of a cholic bubble of 30-70 ml. A cholecystitis - an inflammation of a cholic bubble. Wide-spread disease of an alimentary system. Meets at women mature and advanced age more often. The reason of a cholecystitis can be infringement of outflow of bile that promoted by an irregular feed(meal), an inactive way of life, often constipations, pregnancy, infections. 

At diseases of a liver daily to use for 100 of cottage cheese to eat salad from gentle, young, yet not blossomed thistle, a lemon and 1 item
л. Oils pumpkin.

At stagnation of bile and
желчекаменной illnesses to mix 5 items л. Oils pumpkin from 5 items л. Juice of a grapefruit. To drink for night, but not earlier, than through 1 ч. After meal. After reception of an admixture to make a cleansing enema to lie in bed on the right side, having put under a side a warm heater. In the morning a clyster to repeat.

At stones in cholic channels Oil pumpkin needs to be accepted 30 minutes prior to meal all over again on 1
ч.л., gradually enlarging a dose up to 1/2 glasses. Ванга, Russian and Bulgarian sorcerers asserted(approved), that Oil pumpkin in a combination to juice of a lemon and a grapefruit not only blasts stagnation of bile, but also expels stones and sand.

желчекаменной illnesses to take on 0,5 л. Oils pumpkin and carefully filtered citric juice. From the moment of last reception of nutrition should pass not less than 6 hours prior to the beginning of treatment. Strictly on time to drink on 4 items л. Oils and at once it(him) to wash down with 1 item л. Citric juice. To repeat this procedure each 15 minutes. When all oil will be выпито, a volley to drink all rest of citric juice. During reception the eructation oil is possible(probable). If citric juice to drink at once behind reception of oil, the eructation insignificant and her(it) is not necessary to be frightened.

At a cholecystitis of 5 items
л. Oils pumpkin to mix from 5 items л. A grapefruit to drink for night through 2 ч. After meal, preliminary having cleared a stomach (having made a clyster). Then to lie in bed on the right side. In the morning a clyster to repeat. Procedure can be repeated in 4-5 days as required.

From stones in a cholic bubble to accept Oil pumpkin 30 minutes prior to meal: to start with 1/2
ч.л. Up to 1 tea glass (100 ml.), gradually enlarging a dose and washing down thus juice of a lemon in a proportion in 3-4 times smaller. Treatment ordinarily lasts from 2 about 3 weeks. This agent expels stones from a cholic bubble without operation, pushes out them.

At diseases of kidneys (toxic defeat, risk of development of a urolithiasis, stones in
лоханках, pyelonephrites, dysfunctions etc.) daily to use Water-melon oil on a dining room to a spoon or, when there is no Water-melon, Pumpkin for a stimulation of their filtrational and secretory functions of kidneys (see also the invention № 2008912)

At a hypertrophy and an inflammation of prostatic Ferri lactas to pound in a powder 50
г. colors любки двулистной to fill 0,5л. Oils pumpkin to insist 2 weeks in a warm place. Then 1 ч.л. This agent to dilute 50 of warm boiled water to shake up up to a condition эмульсии and as microclysters to enter into a rectum for night each day or in day within two-three months. Except for it, REGULARLY to use oil from seeds of family pumpkin and the neetles, being one of the best sources of Zincum (in a plenty Zincum contains only in oysters). It is enough to accept an item л. Oils pumpkin in the morning, shortly before breakfast or in the afternoon and in the evening. Cases when at treatment by Oil pumpkin older persons got rid of an adenoma of the small sizes are marked.

For treatment of a stomach ulcer and 12-
перстной intestines to accept all over again on 1 ч.л. Oils pumpkin, having increased his(its) reception up to 1 item л. On an empty stomach 30 minutes prior to dinner and in 4 hours after mild supper for night. 

Atherosclerosis: Development of an atherosclerosis is interfered by the daily use of Oil pumpkin since binds a "bad" cholesterin, not giving it(him) to settle on walls of vessels. There are data, that oil helps at a radiation injury of tissues of an organism. 

Asthma: 40
головок onions севка to fill with boiling water up to complete размокания. Ship them in 0,5 litres of Oil pumpkin and knead. Mashed potatoes to accept on 1 ст.л. In the morning and in the evening. 

At a hypertonia: it happens to use on 2-3 dessertspoons per day for pressure decrease enough.

At anabroses
шейки uteruses, эндоцервитах, colpites Oil pumpkin is used in tampons. Treatment short, a cuticularization comes in 8-12 days. Oil can be used at treatment of anabroses at pregnant women. 

At a mastopathy the following agent is salutary: 100
кашицы from a fresh root of a burdock, 100 of honey, 100. Oils pumpkin, juice of two small lemons to mix, impose this admixture on linen тряпочку and to apply(put) on a breast for night. To remove(take off) in the morning and on day time time to grease a sore point with Unguentum with апилаком

Varicose phlebectasia - the disease of veins expressing in augmentation of their sizes, changes of the form and decrease of an elastance. For the prevention(warning) of development of disease it is necessary to carry out(spend) preventive reception of Oil pumpkin (1-2
ст.л. Per day) as connecting a cholesterin in the form easily deduced(removed) from an organism which are not giving to it(him) to settle on walls vessels, stimulating the general(common) exchange of Adepses and warning constipations. At already available ulcers of an anticnemion is rather effective to apply Oil pumpkin as soothing and ранозаживляющего agents.

At a dentagra to put on an ill tooth
ватку, impregnated with structure: to fill a handful of finely cut grass душицы 10 items л. Oils pumpkin to insist 8 ч., to filter, wring out.

At dermal diseases for a softening of a skin and an adhesion
расчесов to fall asleep in 1 glass of Oil the pumpkin 1 glass dried up or растертых kidneys of a poplar black to finish before boiling and to remove(take off) from fire. To cool and grease sore points for night. To prepare for this Unguentum daily within one week.

At a psoriasis to mix 200 ml. An acetic essence, 200 ml. Oils a pumpkin, 1 crude chicken egg to put in a cold for 7 days then through each 2-3 hours to grease with structure sore points to rub Unguentum in a skin. And from above to smear salicylic Unguentum.

At treatment long not healing wounds and combustions. To insist in 1 litre. Oils of pumpkin and 500 ml. White fault within three days of 500 of fresh colors with leaves
зверобоя. Then on weak fire a wine to evaporate.

Miracle properties at fresh combustions! To oil plentifully a sore point pumpkin. If the throat is burnt to drink Oil or the water mixed with fiber crude eggs.
Unguentum at combustions. Slowly to dissolve in slightly (!) warmed up Oil pumpkin beer wax up to a consistence of rich sour cream, having added a pinch of Propolisum. 

Wounds to grease with Unguentum: 15 of the cut leaves or unripe fetuses of a walnut to boil in 100 ml. Waters then to fill with Oil pumpkin and to sustain 7-10 day, then to warm up in a boiling water bath during 3
ч., to filter, boil 30 more minutes and to add 15 of yellow wax.

Bulgarian знахарские мази.1. To crush wooden толкушкой 2-3 bulbs of average size, to mix them about 1/2 glasses of Oil pumpkin and a small amount of beer wax. To place an admixture in the enameled utensils and to put on weak fire for 35 minutes before reception of a viscid liquid of light brown color. It is a little to cool, wring out, filter and store in a cool place.
2. One of the best agents, which sorcerers have frameed for many centuries: To take 100. Oils of pumpkin, 8 of yellow wax, 5 of white wax, 20 pine pitch (colophoniums), 1
ладана, 1 item л. A fresh unsalted butter. A colophonium and ладан to erase in a fine powder. To put all in a saucepan and to boil 10 minutes. All time to prevent an admixture and to take out from above all foam that will appear on a surface. To combine all in glass to bank. To smear this Unguentum with a thin layer on a gauze or тряпочку and to put to a wound or a cut. 

At an acute rhinitis 2 times per day to instill the following admixture: to mix 1 of a labrador tea of an extract since 9. Oils pumpkin,
пропарить this admixture some minutes in an oven.

At fungoid diseases, furuncles and an eczema Unguentum is applied 20 %: in the enameled utensils to heat up Oil pumpkin to remove(take off) from fire and to add finely cut Propolisum, continuously stirring slowly during 30 minutes at temperature 80°
С. Then in a hot condition to filter an admixture 4 layers of a gauze and to pour on banks. To store(keep) some years are possible.

One ancient
знахарский a way of application (productivity is not checked up!): to take in a mouth of 1 item л. Oils pumpkin and to suck it(him) as a sweet within 20 minutes, not swallowing. During this procedure oil is done(made) all over again rich, then liquid then the mouth is necessary to spit out and rinse it(him). Procedure is the best way for carrying out in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before dream. For acceleration of treatment procedure can be carried out some times per day. At treatment by this way there can be exacerbations is a natural reaction of an organism. Procedure to continue until the patient will not feel appreciable simplification, addition of forces and energy.

Some of 53 trace substances, vitamins and acids found out by the Austrian colleagues in our oils of family pumpkin are below given only. In calculation for 100 in oil contains (the quantitative data rough): Ferri lactas of 13-15 mg, magnesium of 520-550 mg, Zincum (!) of 8-10 mg (as experts in dietetic therapy - more only in oysters assert(approve)), a selenium of 5-6 mkg., magnesium - 3-4 mg,
меди - 1-2 mg. Monononsaturated Adepses - 18-20, polynonsaturated fat acids - 19-25 г, the sated fat acids - 6-7 г, - ARE NOT PRESENT some cholesterol (!) in general.

The present vitaminized Russian Cucurbitae Oil (Water-melon, Melon or Pumpkin), is squeezed on the newest  technology protected by the patent for the invention № 2018514

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